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Back In Session...

Updated: Sep 23, 2019

School started about two weeks ago and I have some things to say!

Big Changes:

I started school about two weeks ago on August 5th, and things have changed. I am a junior in high school, this is the year I'm supposed to figure everything out and get ready for senior year; but on top of all of that, they decided to change up our school year.

My school has decided to join the small community of schools that only go four days a week. There were many debates over the topic and many people still disagree with our school weeks, but I for one am all for it!

We only go to school Monday through Thursday, allowing for an extra weekend day. Many of our extracurricular clubs still meet on Friday (thankfully a bus is provided for students that don't have a ride).

I am one of the lucky ones that does come to the school Friday's for our mandatory band rehearsals which last from about 1:45 - 3:00, afterwards we would usually get ready for games... Our first game isn't until the 30th, but you best believe I will be posting about it!!!

(we do still have Football games on Fridays, just no school beforehand.)

We might have had some big changes this year, but that hasn't stopped me from trying my hardest and having fun along the way!

That's all for now, Luv ya❤

Please feel free to comment something about your school year, or send us an email with your story and we'll post it on the blog!!!

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